On World Suicide Prevention Day: A Personal Message to those who suffer from suicidal thoughts

The 10th September is World Suicide Prevention Day.  This day globally aims to spread the message that suicides are preventable.  The theme for 2024 is “Change the Narrative” and is a call to action to “Start the Conversation”. 

At Mind in Mid Herts we have worked for many years, campaigning to smash the stigma of suicide and to train and support on how to Spot the Signs of those who may be struggling.  A short while ago I received the following email from someone with personal experience of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts. I found their words to be really inspiring and they asked me whether there was any way that their experiences could be shared as widely as possible to help others know that there is light after darkness and hope after despair. 

I am sharing their words here with you.  If you know anyone who may be struggling, please reach out and let them know that there is help available.  Maybe let them read these words to know that they are not alone.


I will always try to remember when times are hard how I felt and that not all grey days are bad days.  Sunshine on rainy days does happen and that’s how we see a rainbow.

Sometimes we can have so many loved ones show so much warmth in how they care for us. And for some strange reason, we still feel so alone. What goes on in our headspace separates and detaches us from this world we are living in.

If only we could see and feel the love people really do have for us life would be so simple. But unfortunately, we feel so detached and in that grey cloud. If only we could see how loved we are in colour and feel the beams of love and warmth without this isolated darkness. If it was that easy we would be amazed with how much love and warmth and I bet we would shine in every colour of the rainbow.

It’s almost as if we are living in black and white and have a filter, we are colour-blind to see that so many people love and care for us we only see and feel grey. It’s terribly sad that unfortunately, our feelings leave us Visually invisible when those times are especially hard and lonely.

I think it’s cruel that we have this blindness and feel so isolated empty and alone. But I live day by day in the hope that these feelings although they may never make sense they will pass. I’ll hold on to hope that one day, I will be able to see clearly again and feel all the good life once had to offer whatever that may be.

It’s that day I live for, a smile even by a stranger goes a long way, a kiss by a loved one, a hug by a friend and the sound of laughter is like no other at these low times.

When that day arrives it’s only then I know there were moments that helped me and that I will then be able express to others how bad it felt and that with time it passed. Because I always try remembering that communication is key, our feelings define us and we can make it count for someone else.

You can offer kindness, and I know when I finally find inner strength to help and encourage others, my experiences and reassuring comfort is all I need and the fact that I can share that I survived and show I survived the grey to find colour again, tells me you too can find help strength and colour. You too can see your rainbow.

Words, comfort and reassurance is so powerful. It’s only then when you find from your empathy you then can pass on the act of kindness as I have today because it’s to have lived and learnt.

It passes.

 I know so many survivors and no matter how unbearable things feel for you pick up the phone call a loved one or friend or even a helpline let them help you let the light in. We all need a little bit of help from time to time.

You’ll be amazed by the warmth people have to offer and eventually the black the white and grey will turn to colour as if by magic and eventually you will see your rainbow lighted by sunshine, that’s the day you smile again and that’s the day you live for because with light comes beauty and you’ll be amazed by the beauty life can offer you again. I know first-hand.

Thank you, Carrie, for your bravery in sharing your thoughts to help others and know that we are there with you on your ongoing journey.

For further information on our Spot the Signs project: Click here

For training, please see the Suicide Prevention Network for details of courses available across Hertfordshire:



Posted on: 10th September 2024