There are a variety of ways you can make a difference

If you’d like to go digital, you can fundraise using our justgiving page, or donate on our website. You can also set up a standing order or direct debit, as well as transfer directly into our bank account. More info here.

All money raised goes back into supporting the people of Hertfordshire.

Everyone who is a key worker during all these times is doing so much for everyone so I decided to push out of my comfort zone of not Marathon training and run the 2.6 challenge on 26th April by running the full marathon for Mind in Mid Herts to just give a little bit back.

One of our amazing fundraisers!

Fundraising support:

For ultimate fundraising success, whether you are a first-time fundraiser or a pro, we have you covered! We offer the following support:

  • Dedicated point of contact to support you with your event or challenge.
  • Merchandise including collection tins, wristbands, and stickers.
  • Letter of authority to collect raffle prizes for fundraising events.
  • Empty belly poster template / sponsorship forms to populate and promote your fundraising.
  • Promotion of your fundraising on our social media channels, newsletter and/or website.
  • Information on our services, whether that’s digital copy or hard copies to display on a noticeboard/at your fundraising event.
  • Specific support ‘for business’, such as mental health training workshops.