1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem in any one year – that’s every workplace, every family, and every friendship circle.
From 2001-2018, suicide and injury or poisoning of undetermined intent was the leading cause of death for both males and females aged 20 to 34 years in the UK, for all years observed.
Research shows that mental illness is estimated to cost the UK economy £117.9 billion a year, which is almost double the total cost of crime – £60 billion.
About Mind in Mid Herts:
At Mind in Mid Herts, we believe that no one should face a mental health problem alone. We provide prevention, recovery, and support services in Hertfordshire to empower people to take control of their mental health, providing a diverse range of services including counselling, social support, workshops, and more.
Mind in Mid Herts has been a huge part of my recovery. I frequently attend the drama, drop-in, music and volunteer at the young person’s group. Everyone is lovely and I’ve found my self-esteem and confidence has grown immensely.
Funding challenges:
Mind in Mid Herts supported over 1900 people last year, which is an increase of 60% since 2019. The people coming to see us are more in need than ever – often leaving it too long to ask for help.
With no increase in funding, we are struggling to manage the increasing demand and the costs of running services and every penny raised, whether that’s with a one-off donation, taking part in a fundraising activity, event or challenge, or choosing Mind in Mid Herts as your Charity of the Year, means so much to us.
By choosing to support Mind in Mid Herts, you can help us ensure the mental health of everyone in Hertfordshire is supported and respected. For example,
£5 could pay for art materials for the art group
£50 could pay for posters and leaflets to be created and circulated in local community centres and GP surgeries so people can find us
£500 could pay a yoga teacher to deliver a 12-week course of yoga sessions

National Mind Infoline: 0300 123 3393
Open 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (except for bank holidays). Ask us about: Mental health problems, Where to get help, Treatment options, Advocacy services
Call now
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