Mind in Mid Herts Stepping Stones Outreach Project offers people support both while on a mental health ward and out in the community once they are discharged

Whilst on the ward, our experienced staff can offer support with:

  • Information and advice sessions to help ensure people know how to get support once they have been discharged
  • 1-1 emotional and practical support
  • Escorted leave

Once discharged, our experienced staff can offer support with:

  • Signposting and referrals to other services
  • 1-1 emotional and practical support to help with recovery, reduce feelings of isolation and encourage access to other services in the community
  • Telephone support

Our Stepping Stones team visit Albany Lodge (St Albans), Aston Ward (Lister), and Glaxo unit (Lister) twice every week

To access this service, you can either ask a member of the ward team to refer you or alternatively, you can contact stepping.stones@mindinmidherts.org.uk