The impact of poor mental health & how to overcome
In 2017, the government commissioned Lord Stevenson and Paul Farmer (Former Chief Executive of Mind) to independently review the role employers can play to better support individuals with mental health conditions in the workplace. The ’Thriving at Work report’ sets out a framework of actions called ‘Core Standards’, that the reviewers recommend employers of all sizes can and should put in place.
- Produce, implement & communicate a mental health at work plan that promotes good mental health of all employees & outlines the support available for those who may need it
- Develop mental health awareness among employees by making information, tools & support accessible
- Encourage open conversations about mental health & the support available when employees are struggling, during the recruitment process and at regular intervals throughout employment, offer appropriate workplace adjustments to employees who require them
- Provide employees with good working conditions & ensure they have a healthy work-life balance & opportunities for development
- Promote effective people management to ensure all employees have a regular conversation about their health & well-being with their line manager, supervisor or organisational leader & train & support line managers and supervisors in effective management practices
- Routinely monitor employee mental health & wellbeing by understanding available data, talking to employees, and understanding risk factors
Mental health issues cost an estimated £1600₁
of long-term absence is
caused by stress &
mental illness₄
1 in 4 employees are impacted by poor mental health each year₃
report they have observed presenteeism in the last 12 months₆
4-4.5 X
Presenteeism incurs between 4-4.5X cost of sickness₁
Poor mental health costs the workplace around £53 bn annually₁
of all working days lost to sickness are mental health related₅
3 X
3 x more profit for organisations that invest in wellbeing₂
The Mental Health At Work Commitment builds on the core standards. It’s a framework that organisations can sign up to, committing to improve and support the mental health of their people.
1. Mental health & employers: the case for investment – pandemic & beyond’ Deloitte Survey April 2022 – 2. Mental Health & Wellbeing , FTSE 100 Report 2017 – 3. Mind April 2017 – 4. CIPD Health & Wellbeing at Work March 2022 – 5. HSE Statistics 2021 – 6. CIPD Health & Wellbeing at Work March 2022
Elevate Your Team’s Wellbeing – Contact us Today!

National Mind Infoline: 0300 123 3393
Open 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (except for bank holidays). Ask us about: Mental health problems, Where to get help, Treatment options, Advocacy services
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