Mental Health Peer Support (MHPS) Training (Sometimes referred to as Mental Health First Aid training)

This two-day course certifies mental health peer supporters; equipping participants to recognise the signs of mental distress & know how to respond appropriately.  Be mental health champions at work.

Whos it for?

Anyone who would like a greater understanding of mental health & would like to better understand how to support someone with mental health difficulties.


By the end of this training delegates will have:

  • An in-depth understanding of mental health & the factors that can affect wellbeing
  • An ability to spot the signs of mental health issues
  • Confidence to step in, reassure & support a person in distress
  • Understanding the roles, responsibilities & boundaries of managing mental health in the workplace.
  • An understanding of the knowledge, qualities & skills needed to support someone in distress & when to call in mental health professionals.
  • Know how to support their own wellbeing
  • Knowledge of national & local signposting options.

All participants receive a certificate and a workbook to support their learning.

We also provide ongoing learning & support for the Peer supporters as we recognise that the role can at times be challenging.

MiMH’s qualified mental health support team will be on hand to answer questions & offer support & guidance on a monthly basis (can be tailored for the team i.e. could be bi-monthly or quarterly). 

The main thing is that MHPS are never alone.  They know where to go to get advice quickly & remain up to date with local services available. 

They remain a team & support each other in their role & tackling mental health stigma in the workplace.

Oh my goodness your course is just the epitome of perfect

I absolutely loved how you shared so much insight & information

I would love it if you could run this course for big companies so that we can all live in a kinder & more compassionate world, Thank you xxx”

I really found the training beneficial… thought the trainer was really engaging & knowledgeable throughout, it’s a heavy topic and was taught with real care and understanding


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